I want to look more at infographics, and these seem like a really good way of doing it. Taking the events of films and mapping them, almost like a timeline. This Pulp Fiction one is pretty interesting the way they've used a line for each of the characters and displays their stories.

Inception, seems to be quite a complicated film to some people so using infographics to explain it to people seems like a good idea. Although I've seen inception a couple of times and I don't think I'd understand what this one was trying to say unless I'd understood the film to begin with. I agree that it's clever and a good illustration of the story, but I wonder whether the complicatedness of it is helpful or not. In comparison to the inception infographic below, I know which one I find easier to understand.

This is brilliant. And apparently it actually works. I can't get my head around it, so I'll stick to the cheating method of winning by slightly delaying my responses. But still, this is awesome.

As is this. I really love these examples that clear and funny at the same time.

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