Really like these illustrations/diagrams. I like how dimensions/3D angles have been used, and it's so easy to understand. Although the colours work well together, I'm not too keen on the big circles behind the diagrams. It looks good for the top image and the one of the shoe but the third one it's almost anti-productive. Rather than looking at the diagram my eye is drawn towards the circle.
Interesting example of a flow chart, it's good that they've managed to get an element of personality into something so technical and impersonal.
Interesting way of mapping movement, especially how one position moves into another. It's a good way to show the flow of movement as an overall thing but basically useless if you wanted to know each step.
The idea behind this is brilliant. A really inventive way to measure wind and it's effects on solid objects.
Adding 3D elements into data really intrigues me. On this occasion everything has the same depth, but it might be an interesting way to include more data and use depth as another variable.
This time 3D objects are the entirety of data representation, it really suits the subject matter too which is less serious and has a sense of fun.
Just a really simple way of making a pie chart more interesting.
Good way of breaking up lots of information and maintaining interest.
This is really good that even though being in a different language you can sort of understand what it's about through the imagery used. This sort of fact sheet might be a good approach for my scuba guide/map
Love how something so fluid and messy as toothpaste has been replicated in this diagram as being solid and blocky.
Very visual and clear way of communicating goals in different years. I think having an example of 3 different years helps to understand each of the individual ones.
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