The latest copy of NME has had a 2-Tone makeover. Brought out 30 years after 'Too much too young'. I was really happy when I heard about this because I thought that if the programme I was producing titles for was being broadcasted this month (as planned) then this copy would act as advertising for the label and perhaps after reading the articles more people would be interested in watching the programme. I see this as a bit of free advertising.
It's interesting to see how the magazine have represented the label. They have a similar task to m; combining the design of the label from 30 years ago with a more modern design. Their audience however is probably not the same as mine so they may need to make the article seem more contemporary and accessible to younger readers, I don't need to worry too much about bringing mine up to date as the purpose of the programme is to remember the past.
I need to design a logo for my programme, the format they have used isn't really suitable for mine as it's vertically high and I need to work more length wise due to the format of my timeline.
'Riots, racism and reggae'. It's interesting reading this now that I have already chosen and produced the content for my timeline, as these are probably the 3 things that I have included myself.
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